Join the Hills District Mums business community

With a strong Facebook community of more than 8,000 mums and growing every day, we provide a highly targeted and cost effective promotional opportunity for local businesses, products and services. Join us for the next stage of our journey with the launch of

What is Hills District Mums?

In October 2012 we created a Facebook group known as Hills District Mums.  The idea was to form a small online mothers’ group for the Hills area where local mums could meet ‘virtually’ and discuss baby and kids’ stuff, motherhood, parenting and anything else that took our fancy. The group would provide a place where mums could ask for advice, share recommendations and make connections with other mums in the Hills District. We thought the group may have a couple of hundred members, maybe 500 tops.

Fast forward to now. The Hills District Mums Facebook group comprises over 8,000 mums and is growing every day! However, given its size, the needs of the group have changed so we have decided to launch a Hills District Mums website –

Savvy advertisers have already started to promote their business, products and services with Hills District Mums. They can see the benefits of advertising with a targeted and highly engaged community. With our expansion, we now have advertising opportunities for small, medium and large businesses. Join us today!


Advertising options


List your business in our Business Guide

Our Hills District Mums love to buy local and love to receive recommendations from other mums. The business guide is a great way to get noticed by mums who live in the Hills District. We have tailored packages to suit any budget, starting as low as $2.50 a week. It’s easy to set up – everything is done online and payment is via credit card or Paypal. To list your business on click here.

Once you’re set up, our interactive platform allows your business to be recommended, giving mums the additional assurance they’re looking for when selecting a service provider or business.

The following packages are available:

packages graphic

Place an ad on the website

Get maximum exposure for your business with a prominent leaderboard ad and directly reach your target audience! In addition, we have a range of locations throughout the website and a variety of sizes for ads – there’s something for every type of business.

To request our Media Kit and rate card please fill out the form below.


Are you wanting to offer a discount or special offer to our Hills District Mums? Do you have a product or service you would like to offer as a competition or give away? Promotions are an excellent way to access the 8,000+ mums in our Facebook group and encourage them to buy or try your product. We’ve already run several very successful promotions for local businesses. 


You can list an event for free on If you really want your event to stand out, contact us to discuss ways to obtain additional exposure.


A fortnightly eNewsletter is sent to subscribers and advertising opportunities are available. For more information request a Media Kit and rate card below.

Article sponsorship

Businesses are welcome to sponsor specific articles on For more information request a Media Kit and rate card below.

Please contact us if you have any questions. We look forward to you joining the Hills District Mums family and helping you grow your business!

To receive a copy of the Hills District Mums Media Kit with the latest rate card, please fill in your details below.

Request a Hills District Mums Media Kit 

    Hills District Mums Media Kit Request

    Company (required)

    Name (required)

    Email (required)

