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Have you ever thought you’d make a great nurse? As a mum, you possess many transferrable skills! Mums are masters at knowing whether a child’s playground injury calls for a sympathetic kiss, a heavy-duty bandage or a prompt trip to the emergency room. This sort of intuition equips a mum well for transitioning into a career in nursing; mums, in general, tend to make excellent registered nurses. Here are 4 reasons why. And if you’re seriously considering studying nursing, consider the University of Technology (UTS) Online – you can find more information below.

1.  Mums have mastered the art of nurturing

Nursing and nurturing go hand-in-hand. A nurse is typically entrusted with many tasks that are central to safeguarding their patient’s best interests. Mums have an intrinsic understanding of how to approach this, having cared for their own babies in similar fashion.

2.  Mums already possess top-notch communication skills

Soon after giving birth, mums learn to interpret their infants’ non-verbal communications – and this intuition serves them well if they later transition to a career in nursing. Sick and hurting patients often lack the words to properly explain what they are feeling, and a mum’s previous experience with reading human body language can be a huge help in those situations.

Beyond that, mums have also learnt to convey important information concisely and efficiently; and they have already learnt to communicate with sometimes-uncooperative children. This is a skill which directly translates to nursing, where some patients are also less than cooperative from time to time.

3.  Mums have perfected the necessary supervisory & multi-tasking skills

A nurse’s job description will typically include monitoring of patients’ conditions, supervising them and attending to their needs. This is already familiar territory for mums, who routinely do the same for their children. Also, mums often spend their days multi-tasking and a busy nurse does similar throughout their day.

4.  Mums are capable of making tough sacrifices

There are nurses who forego loo breaks and even lunch breaks because too many of their patients are in need of immediate help. A nurse might not sit down once from the time she walks through the hospital doors until the time her shift is over. She might even end up working more hours than her shift was supposed to be, because leaving on time would mean that somebody’s urgent needs would go unmet. Motherhood is also a never-ending job, and so mums can usually relate to these sorts of sacrifices.

Consider nursing through UTS Online – excellent education results in outstanding nurses

Motherhood can help to prepare you for a rewarding career in nursing; if you’ve already invested significant effort in parenting, the chances are quite good that you’d excel in a nursing career. You already have many of the necessary skills; you’d just need to acquire the credentials necessary for getting hired.

To be readily employable in Australian healthcare facilities, registered nurses typically need to have obtained at least a nursing bachelor’s degree; and, if you’d like to secure a career in a particular nursing specialisation, it’s also beneficial to earn a master’s degree in advanced nursing. The experts at UTS Online make this education easily accessible to all aspiring nurses, even those who are already juggling work and family obligations. If advancing a nursing career appeals to you, you’re invited to get in touch with them to request more information on UTS online nursing programs.

This is a sponsored article provided by UTS Online.