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With the Federal election just around the corner you may be giving some thought to how you’ll be voting on the day, or you may have your vote all locked in. If you’re still to decide and you’d like to know a little more about local mum Michelle Rowland MP prior to the election then read on!

Tell us how you ended up where you are today.

I was born at Blacktown Hospital, grew up in Seven Hills and went to school in Lalor Park. I started my first job as a checkout operator when I was 15, which job helped me pay my way through university and really taught me the value of hard work.

I was the first in my family to go to university, where I studied law and went on to become a lawyer specialising in telecommunications. I now have the privilege of serving in the Shadow Cabinet as the Shadow Minister for Communications.

I met my best friend Michael, who ultimately became my husband, while at university and we have been inseparable ever since. We’ve been fortunate to experience success in our careers but we both agree that our proudest achievements are our daughters, Octavia, 7, and Aurelia, 2. They brighten our lives every day.

We have both cherished the opportunities we have had through education and try to instil the values of hard work and dedication in our children as they grow and develop.

What made you decide to run for Parliament?

From an early age, I can remember injustice always bothered me. Whenever I saw injustice, I knew it wasn’t right. I developed an interest in politics as a teenager and was driven to get involved by a strong belief in social justice.  I decided to run for Parliament to make a difference. Being able to influence policies that shape the kind of nation we want to have is a key reason I put my hand up.

What do you love about being a mum?

Whilst I love my job, being a Mum to Octavia and Aurelia is the most rewarding role in my life. I love watching Octavia grow into a formidable young woman and Aurelia exploring the world as she takes her first steps.

Sometimes I do second-guess myself, wondering if I am doing everything correctly and worrying when I am away from the girls for extended periods. I am lucky to have my family’s wonderful support. That’s why it’s crucial there is always support available for young families.

Like all working mums, there are challenges to manage and a hectic schedule to juggle every day. Whenever I’m talking to other mums in our area, I’m blown away by amazing women who balance young families with their careers. It is a challenge, but it’s a challenge worth taking up.

In my role I hope that I am setting a good example for my girls so that they grow up knowing they can do anything they set their hearts to. I think it is so important to have working parents in our Parliament, because it reflects our community.

What are your favourite things to do in Greenway with your family? 

Like many families, parks are always at the top of our weekend to-do list. Glenwood Lake and Lakes Edge Park at The Ponds are two great spots. Lalor Park Community Garden is also dear to our hearts, and we relish any opportunities to take the girls to explore the wonderful garden.

What do you consider your biggest achievements since becoming the Federal Member for Greenway?

An achievement I am proud of is delivering funding to Blacktown City Council to install life-saving defibrillators at all sporting grounds in the area. Having these defibrillators located at our local sporting grounds is an important victory for our area.

I am also proud to have been part of a long-running community campaign to get a multi-storey commuter car park built at Schofields Station, which shall now become a reality, alongside securing a funding commitment for parking upgrades at Quakers Hill Train Station.

What are you focused on for this election?

Since I was elected as the Federal Member for Greenway in 2010, two issues have always dominated my conversations in our community: health and education.

Good health is always the most important thing in life. We have to have a health system that supports everyone, whether it’s young mothers and their babies, sick kids, or elderly family members. I have always been driven to ensure that everyone will have strong healthcare available when they need it.

For our kids, a bright future starts with the best education possible. I am passionate about delivering better schools and education services for our area, from preschool to school and higher education.

I am also focused on ensuring a good quality of life for all our residents in North West Sydney. With rapid growth in our region we have to ensure infrastructure, greenspace and community facilities cater to the needs of local families.

Michelle is the Federal Member of Parliament for the seat of Greenway, which includes the suburbs of Glenwood, Kellyville Ridge, The Ponds, Stanhope Gardens, Parklea, Kings Langley, Seven Hills, Parklea, Girraween, Acacia Gardens and Kings Park. It also includes parts of Schofields, Riverstone, Blacktown, Toongabbie, Rouse Hill, Quakers Hill, Pendle Hill and Vineyard.

You can get in touch with Michelle on Facebook or by email at [email protected]

Authorised by Michelle Rowland MP, Australian Labor Party, 230 Prospect Hwy, Seven Hills NSW 2147.