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On a rainy Sunday morning, a group of Hills businesses came together to celebrate the motherhood stories of a number of remarkable local women. It was an idea that burst into local photographer Cindy Cavanagh’s seriously creative mind a while ago as a way to give something back to our local community while simultaneously celebrating the beauty and diversity of motherhood, something that’s close to Cindy’s heart. Through sheer determination and hard work it all came to fruition recently in a beautiful way. Four very special mums were chosen to enjoy a few precious hours of ‘me’ time where they were spoilt and treated to some pampering and relaxation.

Cindy explains her inspiration behind the day:

Our motherhood stories are similar yet different. I am inspired by every mum as we all have our own unique story to tell. I decided I wanted to start telling these stories with my photography. I thought it would be great to start with mums who are brave and courageous. Mums who face the life events we don’t think we can handle. I thought they deserved some pampering and a little recognition for the amazing work they do each and every day. I approached HDM for help and by working together we created this day. It was a blessing to have the support of so many local businesses. I felt a real sense of community and the mums involved gifted me the strength and courage to face my everyday.

Here are our wonderful mums. Happy Mother’s Day to all…



Motherhood is like becoming a student again. You are constantly learning and adapting. Becoming a parent changes your life. It changes your priorities and your commitments.

Rachel’s son Cameron was born in 2010 with severe cerebral palsy. Rachel is Cameron’s primary carer and sleeps with him every night just to ensure he survives night seizures. Cameron’s smile lights up the room.

Advocating can make me really emotional as we all want the best for our family and kids. Throw in Cameron’s complex medical needs and it’s almost a weekly fight.

Find out more about Cameron here – Cameron’s Chance







Jade is a talented singer, songwriter, business owner and local mum of three daughters. She lost her precious daughter Eden at 18 months old in an accident at home.

Motherhood has taught me to be less selfish, to be constantly alert, to be present and nurturing. It has taught me to fight and be strong and it has taught me to love hard.

Often I feel inadequate, and maybe not cut out for this job. I cry because I miss Eden. I cry because sometimes getting up is just too hard, and I don’t want to, but I must. I cry because I’ve ran out of wine or chocolate. Ha!

Read more about Jade’s story and listen to her beautiful song for her daughter here.








Penny has lived with a brain tumour for over 14 years. She has two little boys. The youngest turned one recently but when he was just a newborn Penny found out the tumour had returned.

I was feeling quite undeserving before Cindy’s photoshoot, I think because my cancer has been going on for so long it just feels normal to me.  Then I thought about it some more and that is a f@%ked up kind of normal. Fourteen years this year of dealing with cancer and all the turmoil that goes with it just sucks. 








My kids and my husband Daniel make me laugh. I love watching them dance around the house. I love the funny things the kids say.

At 18 months old, Amanda’s daughter Holly was diagnosed with vanishing white matter or Leukodystrophy, an extremely rare and aggressive form of degenerative brain disease. There is no cure and research is limited because it is such a rare condition. A small bump to the head can be devastating for her. She is unable to walk and will eventually lose the ability to see and swallow and her body will basically shut down. Holly turned 4 in December and they don’t know how much time they have with her. Amanda also has three other young children.

As a mum it’s your worst nightmare to be told your child has a rare, terminal condition that will rob you of your daughter at an early age. I cry a lot for Holly, for what she is going through, for the fact that she can not run or even walk like her sisters, for what she will go through and the grief of knowing time is slipping by so quickly. I am scared of the future, of not having her in the future.

You can find out more about Holly here Hope for Holly B





Location: Rouse Hill House and Farm

Photo session with the very talented Cindy Cavanagh

Hair done by Karin Murton Hair Design Northmead

Make up by Kirsty Watts Makeup Artist

Dressed by Emily & Rose

Each mum received a basket of love filled with lots of goodies:

Macaroons by Lesley’s Delights
Fox and Bee Candle from Eclectika Home
Flowers from Scent of Flowers North Rocks Shopping Centre
Frame from Harrison & Co – Lifestyle & Design
Photo book voucher from Nimsy Books
Body care products from Janice McMurtry – Nutrimetics