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With it’s lovely colours, this is a great recipe for Spring time and the combination of sweet roasted pumpkin with goats cheese is super tasty. Vegetarian meals often have this stigma about not being overly filling. A frittata is a perfect option when you want a light meal which still leaves you satisfied. And as the weather warms up everyone feels less like warm hearty food which means these types of dishes are great. You could also add some bacon to it if you like, or even pinenuts for a more grown up version.

I also like this as it’s quite versatile – it can be a dinner with a green salad, a leftovers lunch, something to have for a brunch or picnic, is tasty warm or cold and can go in lunch boxes! You can vary the veggies to suit your family too.


  • 1 cup of cubed pumpkin
  • 1 handful of baby spinach
  • 1 stalk of shallots finely sliced
  • 6 mushrooms chopped
  • 1 zucchini grated
  • 1 small brown onion diced
  • 7-8 eggs (depending on size) whisked
  • 1/4 cup Parmesan
  • 6-8 small bits of goats cheese
  • 3 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 stalk of rosemary
  • 1 stalk thyme
  • Salt/pepper to taste


Add the chopped pumpkin to a baking dish, drizzle with olive oil, season with salt/pepper and add Rosemary. Bake in 180 deg oven for 1/2 hour or until golden.

In a large pan add the olive oil and sauté the onion and shallots. Add the chopped mushrooms and thyme and cook for a further 5 minutes or until they start to colour. Using a box grater, add the grated zucchini and then the baby spinach. Mix through and lightly season.

In a bowl, whisk the eggs and add the grated Parmesan.

Once the pumpkin is cooked, add it evenly to the pan along with the goats cheese.

Pour over the egg mixture and cook for 5-8 minutes or until the base is cooked. Transfer the pan to a grill and cook for a 15 minutes or when you see the top is golden. You can also bake this in the oven in an oven-proof quiche dish if you’d prefer. This usually takes around 30 minutes but varies depending on what size dish you use. A bigger dish means a  thinner frittata and less cooking time. Ensure the egg is set and the top should be golden. You can test if it’s cooked using a skewer.