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This is a sponsored article. Hills District Mums does not have any political affiliations. 

Last week we learned 9 things we didn’t know about Yvonne Keane, a woman who, with her bid to be elected as the new Federal Member for Greenway, just might become our first HDM in Parliament! If you didn’t see last week’s article, it’s worth taking a minute to read it here.

Yvonne is a Hills District Mum and the Deputy Mayor of the Hills Shire Council. She lives in Kellyville, in a house she built with her own hands, with her husband Anthony and her two beautiful children, Asher and Saskia. She has enjoyed a successful career as a television presenter, where she was known as the Pocket Rocket, and is now an advocate for disability services and social enterprises. Yvonne serves on the Board of the Endeavour Foundation, is a member of the NSW Council for Women’s Economic Opportunity, and is also the Chair of the Board of The Sanctuary, a newly opened shelter for women and children escaping domestic violence in the Hills.

Now with the election upon us, it’s time to get serious and find out just what a Liberal Government will deliver for Greenway, and indeed Australia. Yvonne has written an open letter to the people of Greenway and all those placing their vote on Saturday.

Yvonne Keane

A clear choice

There are now only days to go until Election Day, a day where we all face a vital choice about the future of our community in Greenway and for Australia. Your support in Greenway can help return the Turnbull Liberal Government so that it can deliver on its clear economic plan, and so we don’t return to the debt, taxes, and chaos of another Labor Government or a hung Parliament, this time led by Bill Shorten.

The good news is that from a Turnbull Liberal Government, you can expect:

  • an economic plan for jobs and growth
  • guaranteed Medicare and education funding
  • secure borders
  • better infrastructure for Western Sydney such as the WestConnex motorway.

As your Liberal candidate for Greenway I have fought hard to secure vital federal funds for key local initiatives which will improve our local community. These include:

  • $112,700 for nineteen local schools under the Sporting Schools program
  • Vital funding of $100,000 for a women’s community shelter, right here in Greenway
  • Solar Communities grant funding for local volunteer organisations
  • $400,000 to fully-fund the Riverstone skate park for our young people.

This Saturday, I’m asking for your support to help deliver these local initiatives and most importantly, deliver on the Liberal Party’s plan for jobs and growth in our local community. I am proud to be a part of a Coalition team that has a plan for lower taxes, a strong new economy and more jobs for Australians. And here is how we will deliver:

1. Boosting Innovation and Science

Our Innovation and Science agenda will help us transition from the mining and construction boom to a new economy. By providing support to innovators and start-ups, we can help more Australians bring their great ideas to market.

We’re also preparing our children for the jobs of the future by boosting participation in science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM).

2. Lower taxes

We’re helping small businesses get ahead by lowering their taxes. Small businesses employ 4.7 million Australians and are the engine room of our economy.

We’re also providing tax relief to hard working families, rewarding Australians for doing more overtime, picking up additional shifts, taking a promotion or a better new job, without being penalised by paying more tax at the higher rate.

3. Economic growth

By giving small business the confidence to invest in Australian jobs, our economy will grow. In particular, recent agreements signed by the Government with China, Japan and South Korea have made it easier for Australian small businesses to sell their goods to customers in these significant overseas markets.

Economic growth leads to more jobs, improved public services and higher incomes. In short, it means that the quality of life for all Australians will increase.

4. More jobs

When businesses pay less tax, have incentives to invest in Australia and the opportunity to grow their business to access to new overseas markets, they will employ more Australians.

The simple truth is that growing businesses need more employees, and by encouraging businesses to grow and invest in our economy, more Australians will be in work, in better paying jobs.

5. Guaranteed funding for health, education and roads

Despite what you may have heard, we are increasing spending on both health and education. The Turnbull Government is investing record amounts in our schools, with total Commonwealth funds reaching $73.6 billion over the next four years. That’s an increase of 26%.

The Government has also provided an additional $2.9 billion to public hospitals over the next three years. That’s an increase of up to 6.5% a year, with funding to be focused on delivering better patient outcomes, particularly when it comes to caring for patients with chronic and complex needs.

Our plan will deliver better schools and world class healthcare.

And we’re investing a record $50 billion in Australia’s land infrastructure — to improve road and rail links, reduce travel times and support economic growth, including $500 million that’s been allocated to fix road black spots.


Finally, I would like to say “thank you” to each of you for taking the time to read this and taking the time to consider me. It is my great hope that you put your trust in me on polling day and elect me as your new Member for Greenway. My promise to you is that I will work hard every day to deliver for my community and for my country. But, no matter what happens, I am really looking forward to what comes next and being able to make a difference in whatever way I can for those who need it most.

Best regards,


Liberal Candidate for Greenway



Yvonne is running as the Liberal Candidate for the seat of Greenway in the upcoming Federal Election on July 2. The Electorate of Greenway includes Girraween, Acacia Gardens, Glenwood, Kellyville Ridge, The Ponds, Stanhope Gardens, Seven Hills, Parklea, Kings Langley, Kings Park, Lalor Park, Prospect, and parts of Quaker’s Hill, Pendle Hill, Rouse Hill, Vineyard, Riverstone, Schofields and Blacktown and Toongabbie.

If you would like to learn more, or maybe even help Yvonne with her campaign, please contact her on 0431 181 311 or email her at [email protected]. Follow her progress on Facebook at Keane4Greenway.

Authorised by Chris Stone, Liberal Party of Australia – NSW Division. Level 12, 100 William St, East Sydney NSW 2011.