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Parents of early risers, it’s time to rejoice! Daylight saving starts at 2am this coming Sunday 6 October. At 2am, clocks are moved FORWARD by 1 hour to 3am.

This is the ‘good’ change. Early risers will naturally wake a whole glorious hour later and shift workers get paid to work for an hour they didn’t actually work.

And for those of you who have teenagers, thankfully this year the change occurs during school holidays still. No need to battle getting them up an hour earlier than normal for school.

As parents of early risers we love this change! Bring it on! It’s all positive…or is it? And then we realise what the downside is – just as we’re sitting down exhausted with a glass of wine to watch our favourite TV show at 7.30pm on Sunday night……..“Mummy, I can’t go to sleep, it’s light outside”.

And to further confuse our little ones even more, some ‘fun mum’ down the street who actually enjoys the company of her children in the evenings is making the most of the extended light and letting them play wildly outside. This further confuses those sent to bed. So kiss goodbye your favourite TV shows for the first few days ladies and say hello to multiple trips in and out of bedrooms!

So can you prepare? You should give it a try. In the lead up start bringing your 5pm wine forward by 15 minutes every night. You will then be well and truly ready for the NEW 5pm once daylight savings kicks in. You can also try to do the same for your kids’ bedtime, sometimes it works sometimes it doesn’t.

Good luck mums of the Hills – it always seems to go pear-shaped for a bit but then rights itself somehow.