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This is a sponsored article. Hills District Mums does not have any political affiliations. 

Last week, Hills District Mums featured 5 More Minutes with Yvonne Keane, a woman who, with her bid to be elected as the new Federal Member for Greenway, just might become our first HDM in Parliament!

This week, we play ‘finish this sentence’ with Yvonne to find out more about who she is and what makes her tick. We’d love to hear how other HDMs would finish these sentences too! So pick a couple from those below and feel free to comment with your answers!


When I was little I wanted to be … Wonder Woman! She was kind, strong and good. Plus she had an invisible plane, a lasso of truth, and could get changed in seconds simply by spinning in a circle. As a mum, every single one of these things would make life so much easier!

My friends would describe me as fun, energetic, warm and someone who manages to do extraordinary things.

I never thought I’d  ever have the chance to run for Parliament!

My ideal amount of sleep per night is  probably 7 hours, but that was a lifetime ago, B.C. (before children).

I currently get  right now about 5 hours on a good night.

I’d love to travel to  the supermarket on my own (minus the munchkins)! LOL. My dream destinations include Greece, Morocco, India, Tahiti, The Seychelles… the list is endless. But I think the trip that will be the most memorable will be the first time I drive to my office, if I am elected as the Member for Greenway. You just couldn’t top that.

I’m inspired by … courage, truly good people who do extraordinary things for others, beautiful design, my kids when they are being good (wink wink) and brilliant, life-changing ideas.

I am scared of… my washing pile right now. It’s literally terrifying!

The highlight of my day is always my kids, Asher (7) and Saskia (5). With a special mention going to my husband, Anthony (age undisclosed. LOL).


My last meal would be anything really, as long as it was at my favourite place on earth, Peat’s Bite on the Hawkesbury.

My first celebrity crush was  Donny Osmond. Oh dear… that’s truly sad, right? In my defence, it was the 70s.

Coffee or tea? Am I able to answer with ‘Coke Zero’?

When I look in the mirror I see ..well, it took 46 years to get to this place, but these days I see someone worthwhile who I genuinely like. Oh, and laughter lines and more grey hair than I am comfortable with!

 My favourite movie is … The Princess Bride. #inconceivable!

The last movie I saw was ... gosh, it had to be a kid’s movie… I think it was Zootopia last school holidays. Welcome to #mumlife, eh?

Red or white? I’m definitely a ‘red’ kinda gal. Blueberry Hill Merlot is my all-time fave drop.

My weakness is ... being told something is impossible, or can’t be done. It’s like a red rag to a bull.

My strength is … ^ getting those aforementioned impossible things done. LOL!

If I could have one super power it would be  kindness. In fact, I always tell my children that kindness is their super power and they should use it with abandon.

My favourite place to go on holiday anywhere that’s tropical with a beach, a hammock, and a pina colada. Bring it on!

My go-to karaoke song is “Don’t Go Breaking My Heart”, Kiki Dee and Elton John. C’mon, I dare you not to sing along!

The thing I value most is … my family.

My favourite saying is  well, it’s actually a word I’ve made up and if I ever write a book it will be the title. “Disastertunity”. Apparently the Chinese have the same word for disaster and opportunity. I loved learning this as my life has been a series of disasters and I’ve had to find the opportunity – the silver lining, if you like – in each situation and just make it work. So I have coined the phrase “Disastertunity”. We mums are brilliant at disastertunity!

I want to be elected as the Member for Greenway because … I want to make a difference. I can’t think of a more important way to do this than in the Australian Parliament. I truly believe that only through stronger families and stronger, united communities can we achieve a better future.

I love our community in Greenway. We are honest, hard-working and aspirational to the core. We deserve a representative that listens carefully, takes action, and is prepared to fight to deliver extraordinary outcomes, especially for our most vulnerable. We need a representative who understands the daily struggle faced by some families, who understands the sacrifices that need to be made to make ends meet, and who is prepared to roll up their sleeves and do the hard and, oftentimes, unglamorous work that it takes to achieve a better future for us all. I hope to be that person for the wonderful people of Greenway.



Yvonne is a Hills District Mum and the Deputy Mayor of the Hills Shire Council. She lives in Kellyville, in a house she built with her own hands, with her husband Anthony and her two beautiful children, Asher and Saskia. She has enjoyed a successful career as a television presenter, where she was known as the Pocket Rocket, and is now an advocate for disability services and social enterprises. Yvonne serves on the Board of the Endeavour Foundation, is a member of the NSW Council for Women’s Economic Opportunity, and is also the Chair of the Board of The Sanctuary – which is a newly opened shelter for women and children escaping domestic violence in The Hills.

Yvonne is running as the Liberal Candidate for the seat of Greenway in the upcoming Federal Election on July 2. The Electorate of Greenway includes Girraween, Acacia Gardens, Glenwood, Kellyville Ridge, The Ponds, Stanhope Gardens, Seven Hills, Parklea, Kings Langley, Kings Park, Lalor Park, Prospect, and parts of Quaker’s Hill, Pendle Hill, Rouse Hill, Vineyard, Riverstone, Schofields and Blacktown and Toongabbie.

If you would like to learn more, or maybe even help Yvonne with her campaign, please contact her on 0431 181 311 or email her at [email protected]. Follow her progress on Facebook at Keane4Greenway.

Authorised by Chris Stone, Liberal Party of Australia – NSW Division. Level 12, 100 William St, East Sydney NSW 2011.