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The team at Norwest Private Hospital Maternity knows that welcoming a precious new member into your family is one of the most exciting moments in your life. It’s natural you’ll want to feel comfortable and confident with your choice of birthing centre. To help you with that decision, here are the answers to the top 12 questions expecting parents ask about Norwest Private Hospital’s birthing suites and maternity unit.


1.    What are the rooms like?

We take pride in offering new parents a wonderfully restful and welcoming environment where you can relish those first precious moments with your newborn.

Our maternity suites come equipped with all you’ll need for comfort and convenience, including an ensuite bathroom, flat screen TV, phone and fridge. We also have Wi-Fi, so you can stay connected with loved ones at this special time.

A highlight of our postnatal care is the chef-designed menu. Our team of skilled caterers ensure you have nourishing, delicious meals and snacks throughout your stay. We can also cater for specific dietary requirements – just let us know about your needs!

The Maternity Antenatal and Postnatal unit where our maternity suites are located also has a handy kitchenette, so you can make refreshments at your leisure.

We aim for hotel-quality cleanliness standards, and you’re welcome to let us know if you’d like additional cleaning or towels.

Most new mums will get a private room and we also have a few shared rooms. Whatever room you’re in, we guarantee to do everything possible to make your stay as enjoyable and memorable as possible.


2.    Can my partner stay and do they get a bed?

At Norwest, we know partners are an integral part of the birthing experience and we encourage their involvement – every step of the way. Partners are more than welcome to stay with you and bub.

Your suite comes complete with either a double bed or a single bed with a day bed so your partner can stay overnight.

If you have a caesarean section, you’ll start in a single bed to support your care and recovery. Once you’re more mobile, you can shift into a double bed.


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3.    Can I have a water birth?

Our spacious Birth Suites are designed to optimise your comfort and safety and when delivering your baby. Each suite has an adjustable birthing bed that allows you to labour in various positions, a private ensuite, and a K2 foetal monitoring system.

While we don’t offer water births, you’re welcome to use the deep, warm bath for pain relief during labour. We can also offer you a range of other pain relief options, both pharmaceutical and natural.


4.    What resources are available to me during labour?

Our birthing suites are also equipped with a range of accessories to ensure your labour experience is tailored to your needs and preferences. These include beanbags, mirrors, balls, mats and stools.


5.    Can my doula be present at the birth?

For the safety of our parents, babies and staff, we allow you to bring two nominated support people with you during labour and birth. This can include your doula.


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6.    What baby formula do you have?

We encourage breastfeeding because of the health benefits for both mother and baby. However, if you are unable to breastfeed or choose not to, Norwest has Nan Opti Pro, S26 Gold and Aptamil formulas available for you to use.


7.    Do you provide nappies?

We know that baby’s arrival can sometimes be a surprise as well as a delight. We make things easier by providing a packet of 28 Newborn Huggies nappies and a packet of wipes when you arrive.


8.    Do you have robes for mothers and clothes for babies?

For mum’s comfort, we recommend bringing your own clothes, so we don’t provide robes. For babies, we provide vests and linen. You’re also welcome to dress bub in clothes of your choice.


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9.    Do you have a night nursery?

Spending time with your baby helps build vital early bonds, so at Norwest we encourage rooming in. This also helps you develop confidence in caring for your newborn.

We’ll be there for you to offer advice, support and encouragement, and to teach you settling strategies. That way, when the time comes, you’ll feel prepared for taking baby home.

We also have a feeding room where you can relax, get feeding advice, and connect with other new mums in a lovely setting. To help refresh and rejuvenate you after birth, this room is stocked with complimentary fresh fruit, sparkling water and juice.

If your baby has additional care needs, our Level 2 Special Care Nursery provides specialised care for premature and sick infants from 33 weeks gestation. If your bub needs a higher level of care, they will be immediately transferred to a neonatal intensive care unit.

10.    Can my partner get meals?

Absolutely! Delicious meals for partners can be arranged through reception at a nominal cost.


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11.    Do you help us celebrate our baby’s arrival?

The arrival of your precious bundle is a time of great joy. We help you celebrate with a special high tea on day two, after you’ve had time to recover and rest. Our Celebration High Tea is loaded with delectable sweet and savoury treats, seasonal fresh fruit, finger sandwiches and fresh cakes for you and your partner to enjoy.


12.    What about Caesarean sections?

Our family-friendly caesarean section option allows your baby, partner and midwife to stay with you in recovery afterwards, assisting early skin-to-skin contact and bonding.

If you’ve elected to have a caesarean, you’ll receive an SMS the working day beforehand with information about fasting and admission time.

Click here to find out more about giving birth at Norwest Private Hospital and to request a copy of the Welcome Guide.