The Hills District Mums Facebook group is a place where you can connect with other local mums, ask questions, seek advice, share some insider knowledge and basically help and support one another. 

To ensure things run smoothly, we have a number of guidelines in place. If you see any posts that do not adhere to the guidelines, please report it via the ‘Report To Admin’ function (top right corner of every post). If you’ve had a post removed, it is most likely because it doesn’t adhere to the Group Guidelines below. Please don’t be personally offended. We do it to ensure HDM remains a positive place to chat and continues to align to its core values and purpose.

The admin team reserves the right to remove any posts, comments or members at any time without warning should they deem it necessary.


Be nice and THINK before you post/comment – Is it True, Helpful, Inspirational, Necessary, Kind? If any comments or posts are found to be in breach of this you may receive a warning. In addition, the admin team reserves the right to remove any members without warning should they deem it necessary. Do not be rude, nasty or engage in bullying. Do not swear at other members of the group.

Please also note that members posting inflammatory comments/posts and purposely inciting disharmony within in the group will be removed. If you feel anyone is being inappropriate please report it via the ‘Report To Admin’ function (top right corner of every post). Admins are not online 24/7 so don’t see absolutely everything.

More often than not, rant-style posts and political posts don’t always go well and generally bring negativity into the group, so give some thought to whether you really want to post it. Consider if your post is more appropriate for your personal Facebook page. This group is now comprised of 24k+ mums – in some instances posts are better for friends only.

Stick to the topic. Stick to the topic or question that the poster has asked. Do not hijack posts by providing information or comments they have not asked for.

Show respect and don’t share content. HDM is a supportive and closed community and membership is a privilege we all enjoy. People post personal and intimate information both anonymously and openly. We would appreciate people respect the privacy of the members and the group. Therefore, if it is determined that people are using information gleaned from the group to poke fun at other members or damage the name of the group in general, be it on Facebook, in another group or even on a blog/website, you will be removed. Do not take screenshots of posts and share this content, be it via messenger, email, into another Facebook group etc. – you will be removed from the group.

Don’t use this group to advertise your business or a friend/relative’s business. There is no free advertising in this group and no general business night, only a business night for paid advertisers. However, please feel free to recommend a business if someone does ask for a service directly in your line of business. We ask that you are transparent about your association with the business and clearly state that you are the owner or related to the owner of the business (e.g. husband, child, relative, friend, employee). Some examples would be:

“I am a cakemaker and this is my business…”
“My sister runs XYZ Psychology Practice”
“My neighbour owns ABC Hairdressing Salon and I’m very happy”
“I go to XYZ beautician and she is excellent”
If you are interested in advertising your business via Hills District Mums, there are many options to do so. Please email [email protected] or complete your details here.

Discreet business posts will be deleted. This includes posting photos of something you are proud of but are also in the business of selling, thanking those that use your product or service and asking for opinions about something you sell. Posts where you are offering your services or the services of another in exchange for a fee are not allowed (e.g. nannying, babysitting, tutoring, dog walking). Posts inviting members to a function, event or catch up which result in a member being sold a product (including Isagenix, Herbalife, Tupperware, Nutrimetics and other such products) are not allowed.

Do not search the group for old obsolete posts and then comment on them promoting your business.

Don’t post negative comments about local businesses, services or individuals where that business, service or individual is clearly identified. One of the great things about Hills District Mums is the ability to get lots of great recommendations for childcare, preschools, schools, classes, mechanics, supermarkets, cleaners, plumbers etc. If you’ve had a bad experience, it can be tempting to post a negative review – however this can have terrible consequences for the business and generally has a negative impact on the group. We may remove any posts that could be considered defamatory.

Do not use this group for vigilante-style posts or to push your own agenda. Do not seek revenge or ‘have a go’ at an individual that is either a member of this group or the general public. Do not offer to PM members the names of businesses/individuals that you have had a bad experience with  and do not request to be messaged with this information – there are industry and government bodies that are best placed to address issues.

We do not allow any photos, videos or posts that identify an individual in a negative situation (e.g. numberplates on cars, CCTV footage). More information on social media defamation can be found here. If someone has committed an illegal act, contact the Police.

Please don’t use the group to post repeatedly about a particular personal agenda or cause, e.g. political, environmental etc. This is not what the group is for and does not align to the group’s core values and purpose.

Don’t Private Message people unless they ask you to. Members should not be contacting other members unless they ask you to message them. This includes sending unsolicited private messages to members of Hills District Mums about your business, your husband’s or friend’s business etc. Members who directly spam people will be removed from the group without warning. If you receive unsolicited messages, please notify admin ASAP.

Don’t post items for sale. E.g. tickets that you’re now unable to use, furniture, baby items, second hand school uniforms etc. There are many other groups specifically for this.

Medical advice. Although we encourage open discussion, when topics are of potential medical conditions, please remember that advice and opinions given on this page should NEVER replace the recommendations of qualified medical practitioners nor be sought instead of a professional consultation. If you are concerned about your child’s health please seek medical advice.

Your post may be deleted if it relates to one of the following:

Photos of nude or partially nude children are not to be shared on Hills District Mums. We will use our discretion in deleting photos that we feel breach this guideline.

“Vote for X” – please don’t ask members to vote for you or someone you know in a competition including baby competitions.

Real estate – no posts about selling or leasing your property or your holiday property.

Pet rehoming or sales – we don’t allow posts regarding the rehoming or sale of pets. There are many animal refuges and shelters best placed to do this.

Requests for money or donation of goods – no posts requesting donations of money or goods. If you or a friend are experiencing hardship please contact local charity Give and Take.

Charities – if you are raising money for a charity you must contact Admin prior to posting. Posts may be allowed, however your fundraising activity must link to directly to a registered charity (funds can’t be collected by a third party, e.g. GoFundMe).

Job vacancies – If you would like to recruit for a role, cast for a television show/movie or find a Hills local or family for a news story or article, you can access our Facebook platform at a reasonable rate. Please email [email protected] for morre information. Any jobs that are 100% commission-based are not allowed.

Events – All events including markets, fairs, fetes are to be added to the calendar on and not posted in the group. This is easy to do and is free.

Facebook groups and Facebook pages – please don’t advertise your Facebook group or Facebook page on Hills District Mums.

Joint Facebook accounts – we don’t allow joint/shared Facebook accounts to be members of the group where it is clear a husband/partner has access to the account also, e.g. David n Jane Smith.



If you are a blogger, writer or journalist, it is not acceptable to use posts from the Facebook group as the basis of an article. This applies to both professional and amateur writers. If you would like to write a story, you must first request permission by emailing the admin of the group at [email protected]. If approved, you must also obtain permission from the members involved before using quotes from the group. Names should never be used, unless permission has been given. Journalists who do not respect people’s right to privacy will be removed from the group immediately.

Likewise, if you are looking for people for a story, you are not permitted to post a request in the group. 


Hills District Mums is a ‘Closed’ group, which means that people either need to be added by an existing member or they need to ask to join. Anyone on Facebook can see the group name and members, but only group members can see posts in the group. We now have over 24,000 members, so please keep in mind that it is likely that someone you know, or who knows you, is reading your post or comment.

Businesses can pay to advertise with Hills District Mums via our website, enewsletter, Instagram and Facebook. This includes the closed Facebook group, so you may see these advertisements. They will usually relate to mum-centric products & services or local Hills businesses and may even offer discounts and special deals just for Hills District Mums.

This group was created in October 2012. If you have friends who might be interested in joining, simply click ‘Add Friends to Group’ in the top right corner of the group.