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Here at Hills District Mums HQ we’re far from arty crafty types. We’d like to think we’re creative but sometimes have a little trouble with execution! So when it comes to toddler craft time we stay well away from Pinterest. It only ends up in sad failures that so don’t look like the pictures. But here’s one that WE even managed to pull off. And most importantly – the making of it was the best part!

There are two parts to this activity which is ideal for toddlers and pre-school aged children. You start out by going on a nature scavenger hunt. Arm yourselves with a bucket or basket and head out to the garden to collect. Flowers in full bloom are really pretty and Autumn leaves are also a great idea. In fact, you can pretty much use anything. This part is really fun to do together.

Hills District Mums - Nature Suncatcher

Now it’s time to make the nature sun-catcher. All you need for this part of the activity is:

  • clear contact paper
  • sticky tape
  • scissors

Start by cutting the contact paper into squares – approx 25cm x 25cm. Any size actually works, just ensure you have two pieces the same size. On a table, use double-sided sticky tape to tape down one contact square. Make sure the shiny side is facing down and the paper side up (so the sticky side is facing up once the paper is pulled back). Pull back the paper on the contact and you’re ready to go!

Hills District Mums - Nature Suncatcher

Hills District Mums - Nature Suncatcher

Your little one can now stick all the goodies they collected from their nature walk onto the contact paper. They can pull off petals, break apart leaves, stick things on and have great fun creating a masterpiece! The contact isn’t too sticky so it’s very easy for them to play with.

Hills District Mums - Nature Suncatcher

Hills District Mums - Nature Suncatcher

Once finished, you can complete the project by putting the second piece of contact paper over the top of the creation.  Stick it down to enclose the flowers. Pop it up on a window and voila!

Hills District Mums - Nature Suncatcher