Is your child’s playroom in need of a transformation? Are you looking for ways to reduce screen time and boost creativity? Sylvia’s Playroom Intervention is here to help! The decluttering consultation service focuses on reorganising your child’s playroom to create an environment that nurtures their natural curiosity and fosters independence!

During Sylvia’s Playroom Intervention will tackle all those piles of tiny loose parts, missing & broken toys or ones that you just need to let go of! The space will be transformed to an engaging and interactive play environment.

Services include:

  • Personalised decluttering consultations with experienced professional, Sylvia. Choose from a 1.5 or 2.5 hour session
  • Strategies to create a stimulating and imaginative playroom for your child’s development
  • Tailored product recommendations to optimise play and storage potential, including toy rotation
  • Expert guidance on re-imagining your playroom layout for creative exploration & independence
  • Follow-up support to ensure lasting results and a vibrant, inspiring space.


Finally get rid of all the old, broken, missing part toys and the tiny pieces your kids just LOVE to hang on to! To book a one-on-one consultation with Sylvia contact 0437 630 385.