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With Christmas and school holidays around the corner, many families spend quality time together in the warmer weather. While summer is the ultimate time for fun and games, the holiday season can also come with its own risks. According to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, the summer holidays are associated with an increase in the number of hospital admissions for certain types of injuries.

Dr Vijay Manivel, Clinical Director at SWIFT Emergency and Urgent Care Rouse Hill, confirms that he sees an increase in heat and holiday-related cases during the summer holidays. He shares some insights and tips to keep your family healthy and safe this summer.

Common ailments in the summer

  • Dehydration: We see an increase in heatstroke, dehydration and heat-related ailments during the summer months.
  • Outdoor activities: Social sports, outdoor games and activities during summer can result in more injuries over this period.
  • Bites and stings: WIth more people camping and outdoors, we can see more people coming in to treat bits and stings from insects, snakes and bugs.
  • DIY projects: With more time to undertake home improvements, we sometimes see more accidents involving tools, ladders and DIY projects.
  • Transport-related accidents: Statistics show that transport-related injuries (accounting for 3,100 hospitalisations in late January 2021, compared to 2,500 hospitalisations in early June 2021), according to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare.



Take note of where your local medical services are, in case of emergencies.

It’s always good to know what’s nearby, when you’re at home and away. Over holidays, sometimes opening days and hours change so take note for the upcoming Christmas and new year period.

SWIFT Emergency & Urgent Care is based in Rouse Hill, led by Emergency Medicine Specialists and provides quick access to specialist care for adults and children – this is a good option for families in the Hills. It is located locally at G38, 32 Civic Way, Rouse Hill. No appointments are required, just walk in and the team provides urgent or non-life-threatening emergency care.

Many families go away at this time of year, so if you’re on holiday, it’s a good idea to scope out where the nearest medical and emergency services are and what the hours and days of operation are. If in doubt and it’s serious, call 000.

Stay hydrated and try to maintain some balance

While it’s a great time to indulge in delicious food and drink, be sure to stay hydrated with plenty of water. Try to maintain your regular exercise and celebrate in moderation! If you’re out in the sun playing backyard cricket, having a BBQ or at the beach for the day, hydration is a must for both grown ups and kids – sometimes we’re so focussed on the kids’ water intake that we forget about ourselves!

Supervise activities

With the heat comes the pool, beach and outdoor activities. It’s a given, but keep an extra close eye on the kids and family members partaking in water activities, whether it’s in a backyard pool, at the beach or by a lake – any body of water requires constant supervision. Also, if you’re going away, be prepared and pack extra swim-safety items like bubbles and life jackets, as well as appropriate gear for outdoor activities.

Be sun safe

Be sun safe at all times, applying and reapplying 50+ suncream, hats, sunglasses and rash vests even on overcast days. Consider taking shelter or a break from the sun during the hottest part of the day.

Travel safe & be prepared

Choose your modes of transport carefully and if driving, plan your trip to take into account regular rest breaks and share the driving if that’s an option. Ensure children are properly fitted in the correct child safety restraints.

If you’re travelling away from home for a period, consider taking a first aid kit and medications with you so you have what you may need on hand and are not caught off guard.

About Swift Emergency & Urgent Care

Open Every Day from 10am to 10pm, visit SWIFT for non-life threatening injuries and illnesses, such as:

  • Sports injuries, fractures
  • Sprains and strains
  • Wounds and foreign bodies
  • Minor eye injuries
  • Aches and pains
  • Headache
  • Chest pain, palpitation
  • Flu-like Illness, chest infection
  • Stomach pain, kidney stone
  • Vomiting and dehydration.


Other services:

  • Early pregnancy concerns
  • Infusions: iron, antibiotics (same day)
  • Same day X-ray, CT, Ultrasound, MRI (next day)
  • Orthopaedic Clinic
  • Paediatric Clinic
  • Cardiology Clinic
  • Dental Clinic
  • Interventional Radiology.


1300ESWIFT (1300 379 438)  |   (02) 8859 9099  |  [email protected]  |  swiftemergencycare.com.au

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