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Withers Road Reserve in North Kellyville is now open and it’s a great addition to the area.

North Kellyville has some great playgrounds such as Oxlade Reserve and Twickenham Avenue Reserve and Withers Road Reserve is another goodie that’s just opened.

The playground includes cute play equipment with a huge shade sail as well as natural elements to encourage creative play and the ever present bank of swings with the popular bird’s nest swing.

There’s a half basketball court for older kids which doubles as a great space to ride a scooter. There’s also a nice flat path around the play area for this too.

The park, which is situated across the road from shops and cafes, has and large picnic shelter, bin and bubbler. If you do come across from the shops, the intersection of Hezlett Road and Withers Road is very busy. We suggest walking a little way along Hezlett to cross over. We’d also suggest parking in one of the quieter back streets like Old Trafford Crescent to access the park.

One of the big highlights for us at Withers Road Reserve is how many gorgeous trees have been retained – thank goodness, as they’re much needed in this area. Landscaping has occurred around existing trees, which not only ensures essential shade, but also establishes a haven for local wildlife, including birds, lizards, and insects. Hooray!

Withers Road Reserve

Corner Withers Road and Hezlett Road, North Kellyville.