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Thanks for signing up to receive our Under 5s Isolation Challenges. This week is a 4 day week as this Friday is Good Friday!

The idea of the Isolation Challenges is to give you some more structure to your day and some things to do with your kids while at home. There are a lot of ideas on the internet and Pinterest but most of us can’t be bothered to set out a plan……well, we’ve done that for you! We will be posting regularly in the Hills District Mums Facebook group and on our HDM Facebook page and we would love you to add your photos to the feed.  We will then pull together some collages to inspire people and bring some joy to our lives!

We have listed out 3 challenges a day. You could do one in the morning, one at lunch and then one in the afternoon. Things you may need for later in the week include clear contact and chalk. Maybe just flick through the list of activities to check if you need to grab anything extra in your next essential shop.

If you haven’t already signed up to receive these Isolation Challenges directly to our email click here to sign up.

Here is a summary of the days and below is the detail.

MONDAY – to share your work with the HDM Facebook Group today click here or add it to the HDM Facebook Page post here.

  • Create a musical instrument using things around your house
  • Outdoor scavenger hunt
  • Do some yoga with Cosmic Yoga

TUESDAY – to share your group with the HDM Facebook Group today click here or add it to the HDM Facebook Page post here.

  • Easter egg art
  • Indoor scavenger hunt
  • Do a gym class with The Little Gym Dural


  • Spread love by doing chalk drawings on your driveway/front path.
  • Senses scavenger hunt
  • Set up an obstacle course in your house


  • Nature treasure hunt
  • Autumn suncatcher art
  • Do a dance class with Jigsaw Dance


Create a musical instrument

Old plastic bottles with rice, pots and wooden spoons, how many can you make? Everything you need is lying around your house….just get creative.  Elastic bands flicking on cups, glass with different levels of water to get different sounds when you ding a spoon on them and for extra inspiration this is the Art N Move Rain Shaker.  You can find instructions here.

Outdoor scavenger hunt

Kids love hunting for things.  Either get your child to collect the things they find or you could let them take photos on your phone once they find them. Or a combination of the two!

Do a yoga class

The Cosmic Kid Yoga YouTube channel is fantastic!  Today we are going to challenge you to do the Popcorn and the Pirates Adventure.  Click here to access it.


Easter egg art

It’s Easter this coming weekend! Usually kids would be bringing home lots of Easter craft and may even have had an Easter concert or Easter hat parade. Today’s craft challenge is to decorate a picture of an Easter egg.  We’ve provided a couple of examples, depending on what materials you have in your house.  The first one is just foil stretched over cardboard and the kids have used sharpies.  The second one is for those who love paint!  We just changed it up a bit by putting little pom poms on the end of pegs to use as paint dabbers. The third example involves getting the kids to cut strips or shapes out of colourful paper (we used Christmas wrapping paper) and then pasting them onto a Easter Egg template.

Indoor scavenger hunt

Either get your child to collect the things they find and bring them back to you or you could let them take photos on your phone once they find them.  If you get them to physically make a pile of goodies, offer them a treat if they put it all back where it belongs.  You can even extend this and make it a timed challenge.  Get them to repeat finding another item that fits the description and see if they beat their time.  If your child doesn’t read you will need to direct them, but for kids who can read this will add to the challenge.

Do a gym class with The Little Gym Dural

The Little Gym Dural has created the Little Gym at Home! They will release weekly videos in their Facebook Group which can be found here. And they have kindly made some of their videos available to Hills District Mums here.

If your child is aged under 3 years this is the video for you – it’s a parent and child class. Click here to access it.

If your child is aged 3 – 6 years this is the video for you. Click here to access it.


Chalk art

Let’s face it, now we are inside most of the time our highlight of the day is heading outside for our daily exercise. Let’s spread the love and add some colour to the footpaths and our driveways! Here is some inspiration from the Hornsby Shire Council’s Facebook page.

Senses scavenger hunt

This is another indoor one, this time focused on the 5 senses – sight, smell, touch, hearing and taste.

Build an indoor obstacle course

This is a great one for exercise and something the whole family can help with.  Just ensure it’s safe! Here’s some inspiration.


Nature treasure hunt

The nature treasure hunt and the nature sun-catcher art challenges fit together today. You start out by going on a nature treasure hunt. Arm yourselves with a bucket or basket and head out to the garden to collect. Flowers in full bloom are really pretty and Autumn leaves are also a great idea. In fact, you can pretty much use anything. This part is really fun to do together.

Autumn sun-catcher art

Follow the instructions here to build your own sun-catcher.

Do a dance class with Jigsaw Dance

Local dance studio, Jigsaw Dance is now fully online! And they have kindly let us have access to one of their Jigsaw Juniors lessons! It’s a full class so hopefully it keeps your child occupied for 45 minutes!

The preferred method of watching the video is via Vimeo – the link is here.

Or here is the YouTube video – the link is here.

If you are interested in finding out more about Jigsaw Dances online dance program click here.


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